This time of year can certainly put a dent in your electrical bill. Whether you have friends or family visiting or you are hosting a get-together, it’s likely that you will be using extra electricity. Fortunately, there are several ways you can conserve electricity in Mount Holly, NJ home during the brightest time of the year. Keep the following tips in mind:
- Use a timer. It’s great to have your lights on when you’re home, as well as at the beginning of the evening. However, you don’t see them when you’re not home or asleep—so why would you keep them on during those times? To make sure you don’t forget to turn them off, put them on a timer so they shut off automatically at the right time.
- Use LED lights. LED lights might require a slightly higher investment, but they have many benefits. They’re more energy-efficient and use between 80 and 90 percent less power than regular lights. They also last longer, and since they don’t get hot to the touch, they’re less of a fire hazard so they’re much safer.
- Turn down the thermostat when you have a full house. Have you ever noticed how the indoor temperature rises when you have a lot of people in a room together? If you have a lot of guests over, just turn down the thermostat to below 65 degrees so the heating doesn’t come on. Note that while a lot of people open a window when it gets uncomfortably hot, the cold air is more likely to make your heating crank up. So, turn down the thermostat, and you’ll notice a difference in your energy bill.
- Use battery-powered features with rechargeable batteries. Not all decorations need to be plugged into a power outlet. There are plenty of battery-powered options available that work just as well. To conserve power and respect the environment, use rechargeable batteries.
- Turn down the thermostat when you’re cooking. Are you hosting some large dinners this month or next? Then you’ll probably know that the heat from your stove and oven can drive up the indoor temperature considerably. That means you can turn down the thermostat in the kitchen and adjacent areas to save power.
- Lower the thermostat setting for the upstairs area of your home. Heat rises. If you and your family are home all day with the heating on, then a lot of this heat will rise to the upper levels of your home and heat that area naturally.
Why Choose Raynor For Mount Holly, NJ Electrical Service?
Here at Raynor Services, we offer a wide range of electrical services to keep your lights and electrical features working properly year round. Some of our Mount Holly, NJ services include:
- Electrical repair
- Electrical panel safety
- Ceiling fans
- Home re-wiring
- Minor home issues
- Lighting upgrades
- Smoke and CO detectors
- Remodeling services
- Kitchen appliances
- Switches and outlets
- Fuse box upgrade
- Home safety and surge protection
- Service panel upgrades
- Baseboard heaters
- Meter socket installation
- and much more!
If you need electrical services in your Burlington County, Camden County, or Gloucester County home, call Raynor today!