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Raynor Services Blog

AC Replacement in Hainesport, NJ

This past August, our technicians were called out to a home in Hainesport for a leaking AC.  Air conditioner leaks are generally pretty common in older models, but if the unit is too outdated a repair is generally just putting off the inevitable replacement.  So, while the repair itself is fairly simple, the HVAC experts at Raynor Electric typically will recommend an upgrade to a more modern, higher-efficiency unit to preempt further repair costs in the future.
When our technician arrived at the home, he found that the air conditioning unit was leaking onto the heater.  A brief diagnostics check confirmed that the drain pan was broken.  Why do drain pans break?  A cracked drain pan might be a sign that some sort of impact damage has be done to your unit, but more often it’s a sign that maintenance has not been regular enough or that the unit is in need of retirement.  Finding the proper size drain pan for an old model is tricky, since AC manufacturers have almost all upgraded to exclusively higher-efficiency models within the past few years.
So here were the options we gave the homeowner:

  • Replace only the 13 SEER coil
  • Install a new AC System with 14 SEER potential
  • Install a new AC System with Premium 17 SEER potential

Our customer made the right decision by deciding to upgrade rather than going with the quick fix.  The solution was to install a new 4 ton AC system, complete with a new line set, thermostat, condenser coil, and duct work.  The new AC system was up and running by the next day, and the replacement was a success. Call Raynor Services for your AC needs!

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