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Raynor Services Blog

Air Conditioner Maintenance in Medford, NJ


Raynor’s Maintenance Plan Helps Keep Costs Low and Efficiency High

We provided a top-to-bottom air conditioner check for this customer, who was signed up to our maintenance plan. It is highly recommended that you have your air conditioner unit checked once a year before cooling season. This is especially true if you have an older model. Regular maintenance can keep minor issues from becoming major problems.
You may be thinking that having to worry about a maintenance call every year is burdensome, but it doesn’t have to be with Raynor’s Air Conditioning Maintenance Plan!

Features of the Maintenance Plan

  1. Covered parts and labor costs
  2. Scheduled seasonal service tune-ups, filter changes, and cleanings
  3. Extended equipment life
  4. Top priority for on-call 24-hour emergency service
  5. Priority repair response service
  6. Lower utility costs

Keep your air conditioning system running for longer, while saving yourself some money. Call Raynor Services today to sign up for the Maintenance Plan and schedule a maintenance visit!

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