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Generator Installation in Medford, NJ

How has your home been handling the weather lately? With a new blizzard forecasted just about every week, it can be a lot for any homeowner to handle. In some of these storms, you might have to expect and be prepared to lose power. That’s where Raynor Electric comes in.
We provide generator installation and sales services to homeowners all over Southern New Jersey to make sure they have automatic back-up power all year long! Our experts recently delivered generator installation to a homeowner in Medford, and we wanted to take this opportunity to tell you why everyone should do the same.

The Importance of Generator Installation

In the event that you lose power, it’s not just an inconvenience. Not having lights, or being able to watch TV is irritating, but the real concern during every power outage is safety.
All of the following are possibilities for homeowners in New Jersey who lose power indefinitely during a major blizzard or storm:

  • Home Security System– When the power goes out, you lose your security system and exterior security lights. For that indefinite period of time, your home, your valuables, and your family are all unprotected.
  • Food Preservation– Almost everyone is familiar with the annoyance and waste of having to throw away spoiled food after a power outage. Keep your fridge operating for the entire blackout and you’ll never have to waste food again.
  • Aging-in-Place Appliances– If you or a loved one is an elderly or handicapped person living on their own, they may rely on certain conveniences to help them navigate their home. Not having, for instance, an operational stair lift may be a serious safety concern.

This Medford homeowner requested the installation of a 20kw generator. This service included surge protection and was accomplished via financing. His home will now be protected in the case of any disaster — wouldn’t you like to say the same?
Call Raynor Electric for generator installation today, and start feeling safer in your home today!

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