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Generator Installation- New Jersey

Raynor Electric- Why Generac?

Ever had the power go out in the middle of a raging storm and thought, “Man, I wish we had a generator right about now!”  You definitely aren’t alone: with all of the hurricane’s we’ve been having here on the East Coat, those very words have been uttered many a time by homeowners all along the tri-state area.  Maybe the neighbors had one, but it seemed expensive and unnecessary at the time.  In the middle of a black-out, however, you’ll wish you were prepared…and now, with new and advanced technology flooding the generator market, there’s no excuse not to have one installed.  Generators can protect your whole house from the damage and inconvenience of a power-outages, and Raynor Electric can take care of the entire process so that you’re protected from power less 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.  But of all the competitive generator brands the industry has to offer, which do you choose?
At Raynor Electric, we recommend Generac.  For more than 20 years, Generac has been providing residential power systems that last for a worry-free storm season and a more comfortable life.  The people at Generac are dedicated to producing a wide line of durable products, so you can find a reliable machine to optimize efficiency for your household.  Generac makes an ideal generator for every home, with environmentally-friendly and efficient options abounding.  At Raynor’s, our top priority is satisfying customers with classic, personable service, and in our more than two decades of experience we’ve found that Generac is the best!
Here are some more reasons that we rely on Generac for residential generators:

  • #1 Selling Residential Power System: Tough to argue with #1.  Generac’s success comes from the same place our own success comes from: uncompromising, consistent quality.  We recognize that formula, and we know for a fact that it works.
  • Automatically Turns On: You don’t need to fumble around in the dark with Generac.  Their products detect power loss immediately and come on immediately.
  • Multiple Series to Choose From: Go to our website and click the “Generators” link to see all of the different lines of Generac generators.  We’ll help you choose the model that’s best for your home’s needs.

We know that you’ll be happier and have better peace of mind when you have a Generac residential generator that’s built to last. Our team offers professional installation and maintenance, so you know that this purchase will be great investment.  Call us for a consultation today.

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