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Raynor Services Blog

Meet Raynor Employee: Ashley Distefano

Ashley Distefano Raynor Employee

Why did you choose to work at Raynor Electric?

I chose to work at Raynor because I wanted a better job where I could grow with hard work and dedication.

How long have you been with the company?

 I have been working for Raynor for almost 2 years.

What’s the best part of the job?

 My favorite part about the job is helping the customers!

What is it like working directly with the owners?

 It is a fantastic experience working with the owners. They truly do care about the business, customers, and employees. 

In your opinion, what makes Raynor a family?

 Raynor is a family. We aren’t just numbers in a corporation we are family. The owners care about each one of us.

What do you enjoy doing during your off time?

 In my off time I enjoy driving around in my Jeep with the top down and  I love to go fishing.

What’s a fun fact about you?

 Something surprising about me if that I have 2 pet pigs along with 2 dogs and a cat.

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