Keep Your Home Safe: Know Your Main Shut-Offs!

Knowing where your main water and gas shut-off valves are and how to use them can be crucial in preventing significant damage to your home in an emergency. Below, we share some important information about these essential valves so you never find yourself in a dangerous situation.

Why are these valves important?

Main Water Shut-off

This valve stops water flow to your entire home, preventing damage from burst pipes, overflowing appliances, or leaks.

Main Gas Shut-off

This valve cuts off the gas supply to your house, vital in case of a gas leak or suspected fire hazard.

How to Shut Off Your Main Water and Gas

Before proceeding, ensure everyone in your household is aware of the location of the main shut-off valves and their purpose.

Main Water Shut-off


Locate the valve tag with the orange background. This indicates the main water shut-off valve. It’s typically found in the basement, crawl space, garage, or near the exterior foundation wall.


Locate the valve tag with the orange background. This indicates the main water shut-off valve. It’s typically found in the basement, crawl space, garage, or near the exterior foundation wall.


Once the handle is fully closed, water flow to your home will stop.

Main Gas Shut-off


Locate the valve tag with the orange background. This indicates the main gas shut-off valve. It’s usually located outside near the gas meter.


Important: This valve requires a special tool, often a square key or specific wrench. Don’t attempt to use the valve without the proper tool. Contact Raynor immediately for assistance.


Never turn off the gas shut-off yourself unless there is a confirmed gas leak or fire hazard. Turning off the gas requires proper re-lighting procedures by a qualified technician.


If you experience a suspected gas or major water leak, evacuate your home immediately and call 911. Once it’s safe, contact Raynor for repairs.

Questions or concerns?

For any questions or concerns regarding your main shut-off valves or needing assistance with a gas or water leak, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to help!