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Why Your Air Conditioner is Not Working and What to Do About It

A broken acs global temperatures continue to rise, a reliable air conditioner is becoming more and more essential for your home. However, every family will go through times when they’re forced to Google “AC not working” as you and your family struggle through a hot, sticky, and uncomfortable afternoon. When that happens, look no further than Raynor Services for quick repairs. For complex issues or when you aren’t exactly sure what the problem is, you can rely on professional HVAC technicians to get your cooling system back on track.

What’s the Problem?

Blocked Vents

Blocked vents can obstruct or slow airflow in your home, preventing cool air from reaching all rooms. Check the supply and return vents in your home, and make sure they aren’t obstructed. Clearing these obstructions can help restore proper airflow. Occasionally, it is also a good idea to run the vacuum over the grates to clean off any dust as well. 

Dirty Air Filters

A clogged or dirty air filter also restricts airflow, making your air conditioner work harder to cool your home. Regularly check and replace your air filter, especially during peak cooling seasons, to maintain prime AC performance, improve indoor air quality, and avoid extraneous AC repair services. The general recommendation is to replace your air filter every three months, but that time may be shorter if you live with pets or people in your home who suffer from allergies. 

Failing Parts

Air conditioners consist of various moving parts that work together to operate efficiently. Over time, some parts may wear out or become damaged, affecting the overall performance of your unit. If you notice unusual sounds or smells coming from your air conditioner, it may indicate failing parts. Contact an AC repair service right away to diagnose and replace faulty components. Ignoring the problem can lead to greater damage down the road. 


Like all appliances, air conditioners have a lifespan. As your AC unit ages, its efficiency may decline, and it may struggle to cool your home effectively. If your air conditioner is over ten years old and experiencing frequent issues, it may be time to consider a replacement. A newer, more energy-efficient model can give a better performance and help save money on energy costs.

When to Call a Professional

While homeowners can perform some basic troubleshooting, some AC issues require professional attention. If you notice refrigerant leaks, electrical problems, or any major malfunctions, it’s vital to call a trusted, professional HVAC repair service like Raynor Services. Our expert technicians can diagnose and repair complex AC and electrical issues, so you can keep your home cool and comfortable.

Contact Raynor Services for Professional AC Repair

At Raynor Services, we know how important it is to have a properly working air conditioner during the summer. You don’t need to spend your time searching for DIY fixes to “AC not working” and lose your weekend to repairs. If your AC isn’t working, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for reliable same-day AC repair services. Our skilled technicians will quickly assess the issue and provide effective solutions to get your cooling system back in top shape. Contact us at 609-454-6655 to learn more about our services.


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